Just a simple blog with pictures of my finished paintings/crafts/DIY projects...enjoy.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Silhouette painting of my dog. Take a picture of your dog in profile, or a cool pose, blow up and print off. Tape it onto canvas and trace around it, paint the outside black. Easy. More detailed blog that inspired this below:

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Revamp a boring lamp by hot gluing trim from sewing/crafts store onto shade.
Coasters-cheap tiles at Home Depot, Mod Podge on cardstock that's cut to fit the square, let dry, flip over and add felt stickies to bottom. Better tutorial below. http://thehappyhousewife.com/home-management/diy-coasters/

leather cuff

Cut a piece of leather into rectangular shape, smoosh in the middle and hot glue/superglue a small rectangular strip around the middle, and glue on snaps to the underside.

Better tutorial below.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

While this isn't exactly a DIY or a piece of art, there's something about organization that's aesthetically pleasing to the eye...spice jars. Quattro Stagioni Spice Jar from the Container Store, $1.49 each. The mouth is large enough to dip tablespoon/teaspoon measuring agents into...